Building Operations & Maintenance (3.0)

Credit Language

OP 2: Building Operations & Maintenance – version 3.0


  • 2.1 Percentage of existing buildings managed for sustainability performance

Questions & Answers

How has this credit changed between STARS Version 2 and Version 3?

  • The criteria have been substantially revised to better recognize buildings that are managed for sustainability, but are not certified.
  • The distinction between green building council standards and other green building standards has been removed. A list of qualifying standards will be maintained in the STARS Help Center rather than included in the Technical Manual.
  • Floor area figures must be provided in square meters.
  • A comprehensive list of differences can be found in the STARS 3.0 Summary of changes.

What types of green cleaning programs qualify under this credit (Indicator 2.1.A)? 

To qualify, building space must be:

  • Managed under a written green cleaning policy that meets or exceeds the minimum criteria specified in a green building standard


  • Maintained by a cleaning service that is third party certified to the International Sanitary Supply Association (ISSA) Cleaning Industry Management Standard for Green Buildings (CIMS-GB), Green Seal’s Environmental Standard for Commercial Cleaning Services (GS-42), or local equivalent in countries where these standards are not available.

What types of energy performance assessment programs qualify under this credit (Indicator 2.1.B)? 

To qualify, energy performance must be tracked and assessed at the building level on at least an annual basis to inform ongoing improvements. Appropriate tools to support these assessments include benchmarking platforms (e.g., ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, I2SL Laboratory Benchmarking Tool), energy management systems, green building rating tools (e.g., Arc), building performance dashboards, and locally developed benchmarking systems.

What types of indoor environmental performance (IEQ) assessment programs qualify under this credit (Indicator 2.1.C)? 

To qualify, indoor environmental quality must be tracked and assessed on at least an annual basis to inform ongoing improvements. The assessment must be in the form of:

  • A building-level indoor air quality evaluation that addresses inorganic contaminants (e.g., carbon dioxide) and/or volatile organic compounds (VOCs)


  • An occupant satisfaction survey that meets or exceeds the minimum criteria specified in a green building standard.

Passive methodologies such as tracking occupant complaints do not qualify in the absence of active monitoring and measurement.

What types of water performance assessment programs qualify under this credit (Indicator 2.1.D)? 

  • Building space must meet or exceed the minimum criteria for water efficient fixtures, fittings, and equipment specified in a green building standard


  • Water performance must be tracked and assessed at the building level on at least an annual basis to inform ongoing improvements. Appropriate tools to support these assessments include benchmarking platforms (e.g., ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager), green building rating tools (e.g., Arc), and locally developed benchmarking systems.

What are some examples of qualifying green building certifications (2.1.E)?

To qualify, a certification must be considered valid by the certifying body. For example, a building that was certified to a standard for design and construction, but has not maintained certification as an existing building does not qualify as a certified building. It is not required that a certification or standard be comprehensive or exclusively focused on operations and maintenance to qualify for this credit, however. Certifications that are focused on, for example, energy efficiency or indoor environmental quality are sufficient. Examples in a US context include:

  • BREEAM In-use
  • EDGE for Existing Buildings
  • Fitwell Built
  • Green Globes for Existing Buildings (EB)
  • LEED for Building Operations and Maintenance (O+M)
  • SITES for Existing Landscapes
  • TRUE
  • WELL

An extensive list of green building certification and rating tools may be found on the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) website.

Do certifications focused on building design and construction qualify for this credit (2.1.E)?

To simplify reporting, it is recommended that certifications focused on design and construction (e.g., LEED BD+C) and projects reported in the Building Design and Construction credit be excluded from this credit. Design and construction certifications typically include a performance component, however, and may remain valid for some time after commissioning and occupation. Therefore, currently occupied buildings that were completed during the previous five years may be included in both this credit and the Building Design and Construction credit, as long as this is done consistently. 

Resources, Templates & Tools

Suggestions for Institutions

  • Floor area figures must be reported in square meters. Institutions that typically report in imperial units should convert to square meters before reporting. To convert square feet, multiply by 0.09290304.

Example Responses

Potential Data Quality Issues

  • Affirmative responses must be supported by information provided in descriptive fields.
  • Indicator 2.1.E. If claiming any square footage under indoor environmental quality (IEQ) , there must be an indication of regular tracking and assessment (at least annually). Passive methodologies such as tracking occupant complaints do not qualify in the absence of active monitoring and measurement.
  • Indicator 2.1.E. If claiming any square footage under third party certified, the descriptive response should include detail on the buildings, rating systems and dates of project completion. 
  • Indicator 2.1.E. If claiming LEED certified space, this indicator recognizes LEED O+M certification rather than the more common LEED BD+C standard, which is recognized in OP 3. Descriptive responses should clarify the rating system and level for each certified building.