Support for Underrepresented Groups (2.2)

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PA 7: Support for Underrepresented Groups – version 2.2

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Frequently Asked Questions

Has this credit changed from STARS 2.1 to 2.2?

Minor edits made to clarify common areas of misunderstanding were made. A comprehensive list of differences across all credits can be found in the 2.2 Summary of changes.

Will our complaint or investigation procedures satisfy the criteria for a “discrimination response protocol or committee” or Bias Response Team?

The key to this part of the credit is to demonstrate exactly how the institution responds to and supports those who have experienced or witnessed a bias incident, act of discrimination or hate crime. Responses that cover reporting procedures, judicial actions for the accused or adherence with federal guidelines are not sufficient in the absence of demonstrated support for those affected by bias incidents, acts of discrimination or hate crimes.

Can we count programs to recruit a more diverse faculty under the Support for Future Academic Staff section of this credit?

Programs that focus on diverse faculty hiring and recruitment are recognized in the preceding section on Recruitment. Similarly, programs that focus on supporting existing faculty are recognized under the preceding section on Mentoring, counseling and support programs.

The intent of the Support for Future Academic Staff section is to recognize programs that specifically aim to support and prepare students from underrepresented groups for academic careers as faculty members.

What types of programs can count under the Support for Future Academic Staff section of this credit?

Programs claimed in this section should meet the definition of a pipeline program, which support students from underrepresented groups in earning terminal degrees and entering academia. These include:

  • National, regional or consortia pipeline programs
  • Institution-specific programs with a focus on preparing students from underrepresented groups for academic careers as faculty members
  • Fellowships, scholarships and grants aimed at underrepresented graduate students that are pursuing terminal degrees

Examples of pipeline programs include:

Example Responses

  • California State University, Channel Islands – Comprehensive responses throughout, supported with website links. Bias Response description provides good detail. Several examples listed for support of future academic staff.
  • Dickinson College – Comprehensive responses in all areas. Response under Support for Future Academic Staff references several programs, including participation in the Consortium for Faculty Diversity at Liberal Arts Colleges.
  • Boston University – Concise, well-organized responses in each Part. Great examples for Bias response and recruitment. 
  • University of Colorado Boulder – Comprehensive responses with links provided where available. Good description of supporting victims through bias response.
  • University of St. Thomas – Thorough detail on the institution’s bias response team and how it operates. Good example of an institution-specific pipeline program under Support for Future Academic Staff.

Common Issues Identified During Review

  • Responses must be relevant for the topic (1: Non-discrimination statement; 2: Bias response; 3) Recruiting from underrepresented groups; 4) Mentoring, counseling and support; 5) Support for Future Academic Staff.
  • Bias Response Team: To count, the response must clarify how the institution responds to and supports those who have experienced or witnessed a bias incident, act of discrimination or hate crime. Responses that cover judicial actions for the accused or adherence with federal guidelines are not sufficient in the absence of demonstrated support for those affected by bias incidents, acts of discrimination or hate crimes.
  • Recruiting and Mentoring, counseling and support: Affirmative responses must be supported by information provided in descriptive fields. If students, academic staff and non-academic staff are all checked, the response under the descriptive field must reference recruitment/support for all three. Recruitment should cover prospective students, academic staff and non-academic staff while Mentoring/support should cover existing students, academic staff and non-academic staff.
  • Support for Future Academic Staff – Intent of this section is to recognize programs that specifically aim to support and prepare students from underrepresented groups for academic careers as faculty members (sometimes known as pipeline programs ). Response should reference programs to help underrepresented students attain doctoral degrees or otherwise obtain careers in academia. Responses on employee recruitment or other types of support for underrepresented students that is not specific to earning a terminal degree should be omitted from this section, but could probably fit under one of the preceding sections.