Sustainable Dining (2.2)

Credit Language

OP 8: Sustainable Dining – version 2.2

Frequently Asked Questions

How has this credit changed between STARS 2.1 to 2.2?

Substantive changes have been made to this credit. Initiatives recognized elsewhere in STARS and “Other” category removed from scoring, and information on recognizing inclusive and local purchasing and promoting plant-forward options has been added. A comprehensive list of differences can be found in the 2.2 Summary of changes.

What counts as a sustainable dining policy?

The sustainable dining policy must include specific criteria to support the procurement of environmentally and socially preferable food and beverage products and/or includes guidelines to reduce or minimize the adverse environmental and social impacts of dining operations. Basic “sustainability commitment” websites are generally not sufficient).

Example Responses

  • Emory University – A comprehensive sustainable dining program. Affirmative responses are provided and supported for all sections.
  • Northeastern University – Comprehensive responses provided for all areas with an affirmative response. A Dining Green Plan is uploaded.
  • Principia College – Comprehensive responses provided for all areas with an affirmative response. A detailed Green Dining Standard is uploaded.

Common Issues Identified During Review

  • Affirmative responses must be supported by information provided in descriptive fields.
  • Sustainability-Themed Outlet – Response should reference a sustainability-themed food outlet. Conventional food outlets that also offer sustainable options are not sufficient.