Rainwater Management (2.2)

Credit Language

OP 22: Rainwater Management – version 2.2

Frequently Asked Questions

Do plans for future rainwater management programs count for this credit?

No. Institutions should report on current policies, plans, and/or strategies at the time of submission.

What’s the difference between green infrastructure and low-impact development?

The differences can be outlined in this article on Stormwater management: Low-impact development and green infrastructure from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

What types of programs are considered comprehensive?

Comprehensive rainwater management policies, plans or guidelines incorporate green infrastructure, cover the entire campus, and mandate the use of LID practices for all new construction, major renovation, and development projects.

Example Responses

  • Cornell University – Good example of response covering comprehensive policies, plans and guidelines. Clear description of LID practices and documentation to stormwater plans.
  • University of New Hampshire – Comprehensive responses provided. Includes a link to a map of green infrastructure installations.

Common Issues Identified During Review

  • If pursuing points for having a green infrastructure and low impact development policy, there must be information about a policy that covers green infrastructure and low impact development.