Hazardous Waste Management (2.2)

Credit Language

OP 20: Hazardous Waste Management – version 2.2

Frequently Asked Questions

What “equivalent programs approved by AASHE” can be claimed under this credit?

Institutions earn full points under Part 2 of this credit if their recycler is certified under the e-Stewards and/or Responsible Recycling (R2) standards, OR one of the following equivalent programs:

Resources, Templates & Tools

Example Responses

Common Issues Identified During Review

  • Part 1 – Descriptive responses should be relevant to each question. (1: steps taken to reduce hazardous waste, 2: how the institution safely disposes of hazardous waste, 3: description of any significant hazardous material release incidents, 4: description of any inventory system employed by the institution to facilitate the reuse or redistribution of laboratory chemicals.
  • Part 2 – Descriptive responses must support affirmative responses: 1: electronic waste generated by the institution; and/or 2: electronic waste generated by students. It is common to overlook referencing how e-waste generated by students is managed.