Stormwater Modeling (2.2)

This is an optional Innovation & Leadership credit. These credits recognize exemplary practices and performance above and beyond what is recognized in standard credits and may not be relevant to every institution. Scoring in the Innovation and Leadership section is capped at 4 bonus points total.

Credit Language

IN 36: Stormwater Modeling – version 2.2

Frequently Asked Questions

Do stormwater management and low impact development (LID) strategies and programs apply under this credit?

No. Stormwater and LID strategies and programs are already recognized under the Rainwater Management credit. To earn recognition under this exemplary practice credit, responses must affirm that stormwater modeling assessment was undertaken using the tools and methodologies outlined in the credit language.

Resources, Templates & Tools

Example Responses

  • Northland College – Outlines stormwater modeling using the WinSLAMM stormwater modeling program.
  • Princeton University – Conducts stormwater modeling with a hydrologic model was using HydroCAD (a software that utilizes the TR-20 methodology).
  • Swarthmore College – Outlines stormwater modeling using two models, HydroCAD and WinnSLAMM, to conduct a stormwater management analysis to evaluate stormwater peak rate, volume, and quality management for the College’s Master Plan.
  • University of California, San Diego – Outlines stormwater modeling using the County Hydrology Manual and State Water Resources Control Board’s water balance calculator.

Common Issues Identified During Review

  • Response must affirm that the institution uses stormwater modeling to assess the impact of LID practices and green infrastructure on campus. Simply referencing LID practices is not sufficient. Institutions are required to describe the methodologies and tools used to calculate the percentile of local or regional rainfall events.