How do I add or delete users, update access levels, and change responsible parties?


Administrators may add as many users as they wish to help enter and/or review data in the Reporting Tool

  • Observers can view the information saved in completed credits. For example, provosts or department heads may get Observer status so that they can preview a report before it is submitted.
  • Data entry users can enter and save information in credits. Individuals who are actively collecting information may get this role so they have the ability to edit data in the tool directly.
  • Administrators can manage and share data, add/delete users, add/edit responsible parties, purchase subscriptions, and submit reports. Administrators may want to restrict this level of access to their immediate team or the committee leading the process.

To add users, an administrator must:

  1. Ask each user to create an AASHE account (if they don’t already have one). This will generate their login credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Users tab in the Overview section of the Reporting Tool.
  3. Add users by email address (case sensitive – use lowercase), assigning a level of access for each one.

Each new user added will receive an automated email notifying them that they have access to the STARS Reporting Tool or else prompting them to create an AASHE account if they have not taken that step.

STARS Administrators can update access levels of any user at any time through edits to the Users tab.

Responsible Parties

Administrators also have the option to create a roster of “responsible parties” that may be associated with specific credits. The responsible party for each credit should be a staff member, faculty member, or administrator who is willing to affirm that the information submitted is accurate and can respond to questions regarding the data. When the institution submits a report, the responsible party’s name will be made public alongside the information submitted for the credit.

Administrators may add and edit responsible parties in the Responsible Parties tab in the Overview section of the Reporting Tool. Once a Responsible Party has been added to the roster, their name will be available in the Responsible Party drop-down menu at the bottom of each credit in the Reporting Tool.

Administrators may also delete Responsible Parties, however, the system will not allow for  a Responsible Party to be deleted if they are associated with a credit in a published STARS report, as doing so would invalidate the online report.